DIY Super Cute Colored Pencil Photo Frame

Are you looking for a fun and creative way to display your favorite memories? If so, why not try making a DIY super cute colored pencil photo frame? This craft is perfect for anyone who loves to color and wants to add a unique touch to their home decor. With just a few simple materials, you can create a one-of-a-kind frame that will showcase your favorite photos.

Materials Needed:

  • A wooden picture frame
  • Colored pencils
  • Glue gun or strong glue
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Paint (optional)


Step 1: Choose your wooden picture frame.

You can find wooden picture frames at any craft store or online. Choose a frame that is the size of the photo you want to display.

Step 2: Color your pencils.

Choose the colors you want to use for your frame and start coloring your pencils. You can use any type of colored pencils, but I recommend using wax-based pencils as they will adhere better to the frame. You can also use watercolor pencils if you prefer.

To color your pencils, simply color them in with the desired color. You can mix and match colors to create different patterns or use a single color for a more cohesive look.

Step 3: Cut your pencils.

Once your pencils are colored, use your ruler to measure the length of your frame. Then, use your scissors to cut the pencils to the correct length. You will need enough pencils to cover the entire frame.

Step 4: Glue your pencils to the frame.

Use your glue gun or strong glue to attach the pencils to the frame. Start at one corner of the frame and work your way around, gluing one pencil at a time. Be sure to press each pencil firmly into the glue to ensure it sticks.

Step 5: Add your photo.

Once your pencils are all attached, you can add your photo to the frame. Simply slide the photo into the frame and secure it in place with the clips or backing that came with the frame.

Optional Step 6: Paint your frame.

If you want to add an extra touch of color to your frame, you can paint the wooden part of the frame. Choose a color that complements your pencils and paint the frame using a small brush. Be sure to let the paint dry completely before adding your photo.

Tips and Tricks:

  • To make your frame more durable, you can add a coat of clear varnish or sealant over the pencils.
  • If you don’t have a glue gun, you can use strong craft glue instead.
  • Experiment with different colored pencils and patterns to create a unique frame that reflects your personal style.
  • If you want to make a larger frame, you can use longer pencils or cut the pencils in half to create shorter pieces.
  • Be sure to measure your frame before cutting your pencils to ensure a perfect fit.


Making a DIY super cute colored pencil photo frame is a fun and easy way to add a personal touch to your home decor. This project is perfect for all ages and skill levels and can be customized to suit your individual style. So why not give it a try and create a unique and colorful frame to showcase your favorite memories?

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