Fun Tiktok Bookish DIYS

TikTok has quickly become a go-to platform for users looking for fun and creative ideas for DIY projects. From home decor to fashion, TikTok has it all. But did you know that TikTok is also a great source for bookish DIYs? In this article, we’ll explore some of the most fun TikTok bookish DIYs that you can try out for yourself.

  1. Book Page Wall Art

One of the easiest and most popular bookish DIYs on TikTok is book page wall art. All you need is an old book, a frame, and some glue. Simply tear out the pages of the book and arrange them in a pattern or design that you like. Then, glue the pages onto a piece of cardstock or poster board and frame it. You can also add some color to the pages with watercolors or other paints.

  1. Book Page Coasters

Another fun bookish DIY is book page coasters. For this project, you’ll need some cork coasters, an old book, and some glue. Cut out small squares or circles from the book pages and glue them onto the cork coasters. You can even add some Mod Podge or another sealant to protect the coasters from moisture.

  1. Bookish Candles

Bookish candles are a great way to bring some literary inspiration to your home. To make bookish candles, you’ll need some candle wax, wicks, and fragrance oil. You can also add some book pages to the candle for a unique look. Simply melt the candle wax, add the fragrance oil and book pages, and pour the wax into a jar with the wick.

  1. Bookish Jewelry

If you’re looking for a fun and creative way to show your love for books, bookish jewelry is the way to go. You can make book page earrings, necklaces, and bracelets using old book pages, wire, and jewelry findings. Simply cut out the book pages into shapes or use a paper punch, then attach them to the wire and jewelry findings.

  1. Bookish Bookmarks

Bookmarks are a must-have for any book lover, and making your own bookish bookmarks is easy and fun. You can use old book pages, scrapbook paper, or even paint to create unique and personalized bookmarks. You can also add tassels or other embellishments to make them even more special.

  1. Bookish Planters

Bookish planters are a great way to add some greenery to your home while also showing off your love for books. To make a bookish planter, you’ll need an old book, some small plants, and some potting soil. Simply cut out a section of the book pages to make room for the plant, then fill the space with potting soil and add the plant.

  1. Bookish Stationery

If you’re a fan of sending snail mail, bookish stationery is a great way to show off your love for books. You can make book page envelopes, notecards, and even personalized stamps using old book pages and stamp carving tools. You can also use book pages as the background for your stationery or add bookish quotes for a unique touch.


TikTok is a great source for fun and creative bookish DIYs. From book page wall art to bookish jewelry, there are endless ways to show your love for books through DIY projects. So, the next time you’re looking for a fun project to try, check out TikTok for some bookish inspiration.

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