How to Make a DIY Flower Wall

Flower walls are an incredibly popular and trendy decoration for any occasion. Whether you are hosting a wedding, a baby shower, a birthday party, or simply adding some flair to your home decor, a flower wall is sure to make a statement. And the best part? You don’t need to hire a professional to create one. With a few materials and some creativity, you can make a DIY flower wall that will be the talk of the town. Here’s how:

Materials you will need:

  • A large piece of foam board or plywood (size depends on the desired size of your flower wall)
  • Artificial flowers (quantity depends on the size of the board and how densely you want the flowers to be)
  • Wire cutters
  • Glue gun
  • Command strips or picture hangers (depending on how heavy the board is)

Step 1: Choose your flowers

The first step to creating a flower wall is choosing your flowers. Artificial flowers are the way to go, as they will last longer and you can use them again and again. You can choose flowers in a specific color scheme or mix and match to create a more whimsical look. Make sure to choose flowers with sturdy stems that can be easily cut with wire cutters.

Step 2: Plan your layout

Before you start gluing flowers onto the board, it’s important to plan your layout. Lay out your flowers on a flat surface and move them around until you are happy with the placement. You can also add in some greenery or other embellishments to make your flower wall more interesting.

Step 3: Cut the stems

Once you have your layout planned out, it’s time to cut the stems of the flowers. Use wire cutters to trim the stems to the desired length. Make sure to leave enough stem to attach the flowers to the board with the glue gun.

Step 4: Glue the flowers onto the board

Now it’s time to start gluing the flowers onto the board. Begin at the bottom and work your way up, gluing each flower in place. Make sure to vary the angle and direction of the flowers to create a more natural look. If you are using different types of flowers, make sure to mix them up so they are evenly distributed throughout the wall.

Step 5: Add finishing touches

Once all of the flowers are glued in place, you can add some finishing touches. Trim any stems that are sticking out or glue on any loose petals. You can also add some greenery or other embellishments to fill in any gaps or add some interest.

Step 6: Hang the flower wall

Now that your flower wall is complete, it’s time to hang it up. Depending on the weight of your board, you can use Command strips or picture hangers to hang it on the wall. Make sure to use enough strips or hangers to support the weight of the board and prevent it from falling.

Tips for creating a successful flower wall:

  • Choose flowers with sturdy stems that can be easily cut with wire cutters.
  • Vary the angle and direction of the flowers to create a more natural look.
  • Mix and match flowers to create a more interesting and unique look.
  • Don’t be afraid to add in some greenery or other embellishments to fill in any gaps or add some interest.
  • Use enough Command strips or picture hangers to support the weight of the board and prevent it from falling.


Creating a DIY flower wall is a fun and easy project that can add some serious flair to your home or event decor. With a few materials and some creativity, you can make a beautiful flower wall that will be the talk of the town. So go ahead and give it a try – your inner florist will thank you!

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