Bird Netting – Your Next DIY Project

Bird netting is an effective and humane solution for keeping birds away from your crops, gardens, and other areas. With the increase in popularity of organic gardening and farming practices, bird netting has become an essential tool for protecting plants from bird damage. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about bird netting and how to install it as your next DIY project.

What is Bird Netting?

Bird netting is a mesh material made of polypropylene or nylon that is used to keep birds away from crops, gardens, and other areas. It is designed to be strong enough to withstand weather conditions and bird activity, while also being lightweight and easy to install.

Bird netting comes in different sizes and shapes, depending on the area you want to cover and the type of birds you want to keep away. It can be draped over trees, laid on top of plants, or hung from structures to create a barrier that prevents birds from accessing the area.

Why Use Bird Netting?

Birds can cause significant damage to crops and gardens by eating fruits, vegetables, and other plants. They can also create nests in inconvenient areas, leading to safety concerns and structural damage.

Using bird netting is a humane way to keep birds away without harming them. It is also an effective way to protect your crops and plants without using chemicals or pesticides that can harm the environment and wildlife.

Additionally, bird netting can be used to protect areas from other animals, such as rabbits, squirrels, and deer. By creating a physical barrier, it can prevent animals from accessing the area and causing damage.

How to Install Bird Netting?

Installing bird netting is a relatively easy DIY project that can be done in a few simple steps.

Step 1: Measure the Area

Before purchasing bird netting, measure the area you want to cover to ensure you buy the right amount of material. Make sure to add a few extra feet to each side to ensure the netting covers the entire area.

Step 2: Choose the Right Size and Shape

Choose the right size and shape of bird netting for the area you want to cover. The size of the mesh will depend on the type of birds you want to keep away. For smaller birds, use smaller mesh sizes, while larger birds require larger mesh sizes.

Step 3: Install Poles or Hooks

Install poles or hooks around the perimeter of the area you want to cover. The poles or hooks should be sturdy enough to support the weight of the netting.

Step 4: Attach the Netting

Attach the netting to the poles or hooks using zip ties or clips. Make sure to pull the netting taut to prevent birds from getting caught in the mesh.

Step 5: Secure the Netting

Secure the netting to the ground using stakes or weights to prevent birds from getting underneath the netting.

Tips for Installing Bird Netting

Here are some additional tips to help you install bird netting successfully:

  • Wear gloves when handling the netting to prevent cuts and scratches.
  • Make sure the netting is taut to prevent birds from getting caught in the mesh.
  • Use extra stakes or weights in windy areas to prevent the netting from lifting off the ground.
  • Inspect the netting regularly to ensure it is still secure and has not been damaged by weather or bird activity.


Bird netting is an effective and humane solution for keeping birds away from your crops, gardens, and other areas. With the right size and shape of netting, sturdy poles or hooks, and proper installation techniques, you can protect your plants from bird damage and other animals.

As a DIY project, installing bird netting is relatively simple and can be done with a few basic tools and materials. By taking the time to install bird netting properly, you can enjoy the benefits of a bird-free garden or farm while also protecting the environment.

In addition to protecting plants, bird netting can also be used to create a safe environment for birds. For example, if you have a bird feeder or birdhouse, you can use netting to create a barrier around the area to prevent predators from getting to the birds.

When selecting bird netting, it is important to choose a material that is safe for birds and the environment. Look for netting made from non-toxic materials and avoid using netting with sharp edges or corners that can injure birds.

If you are concerned about the appearance of bird netting, there are decorative options available that can blend in with your garden or farm. Some bird netting is designed to mimic natural materials, such as leaves or vines, to create a more natural look.

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