DIY To Try: Up Your Pumpkin Game

As the autumn season rolls around, many people begin to think about all things pumpkin. From pumpkin spice lattes to pumpkin pie, this versatile fruit can be found in a variety of dishes and drinks. But why stop there? With a little creativity and some DIY skills, you can up your pumpkin game and create some truly unique and impressive pumpkin decor for your home.

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Here are some DIY ideas to try:

  1. Painted Pumpkins: Instead of carving your pumpkins, try painting them instead. This allows you to create intricate designs without the mess of pumpkin guts and the risk of injury from carving tools. You can use stencils, freehand designs, or even paint a scene or character onto your pumpkin. To start, clean your pumpkin with a damp cloth and let it dry completely. Then, choose your paint colors and apply a base coat if necessary. Once your base coat is dry, you can begin painting your design. You may need to apply multiple coats of paint to achieve the desired opacity.
  1. Glitter Pumpkins: Add some sparkle to your pumpkin decor with glitter. There are a few ways to do this, but one of the easiest is to use spray adhesive and loose glitter. Simply spray the adhesive onto your pumpkin, then sprinkle the glitter over the top. You can also use glitter glue or glitter paint for a more controlled application.
  2. Decoupage Pumpkins: For a unique and elegant look, try decoupaging your pumpkins. This involves covering the pumpkin with small pieces of paper or fabric to create a patchwork effect. You can use tissue paper, scrapbook paper, or even old book pages. Apply a layer of Mod Podge or other decoupage medium to your pumpkin, then place your paper or fabric pieces over the top. Smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles, then apply another layer of Mod Podge to seal the pieces in place.
  3. Carved Pumpkins: Of course, we can’t forget about the classic carved pumpkin. With the right tools and some practice, you can create some truly impressive designs. There are a few tips to keep in mind when carving pumpkins:
    • Choose a pumpkin with a flat bottom to make it easier to carve and display.
    • Draw your design onto the pumpkin with a washable marker or pencil before you begin carving.
    • Use a small saw or pumpkin carving tool to cut out your design. Be careful not to apply too much pressure or force, as this can cause the pumpkin to crack.
    • Clean out the pumpkin thoroughly before you display it. You can also use petroleum jelly or cooking spray to keep the inside moist and prevent it from drying out too quickly.
  1. Pumpkin Centerpieces: For a beautiful and unique centerpiece, try creating a pumpkin vase. Simply cut off the top of your pumpkin and scoop out the insides. Then, fill the pumpkin with water and arrange your favorite fall flowers inside. You can also use smaller pumpkins or gourds as individual vases for a rustic and charming look.
  2. Pumpkin Candles: Create a cozy and inviting atmosphere with pumpkin candles. You can either carve out the pumpkin and place a candle inside, or use a store-bought pumpkin-scented candle. To make your own pumpkin-scented candles, melt candle wax and add pumpkin pie spice or essential oils for a delicious aroma.


There are many ways to up your pumpkin game and create some truly unique and impressive decor for your home. Whether you choose to paint, carve, or decoupage your pumpkins, the possibilities are endless. So grab some pumpkins and get creative this fall season!

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